Hope Baptist Church


The Christendom Conference:
Overcoming Spiritual
Forces Of Evil

Feasting, Psalm Singing, Taking Over The World
FREE · May 4th, 2024 AD · Springfield, MO

What Is
The Christendom Conference?

That the word may not be reviled —Titus 2:5

The Christendom Conference exists to encourage Christians in the call to make disciples of all nations by teaching them to obey all that Christ has commanded for every area of life. Whether it’s considering missions and evangelism or reforming culture and society, God’s sufficient Word, given to the church, is the standard and key to real, lasting change. We want to proclaim Christ as the King of all of life.

Pastor and author Doug Van Dorn is this year’s keynote speaker. He pastors a reformed baptist church in Boulder, Co. and has authored numerous books such as Giants: Sons of the Gods, The Angel of the LORD, Waters of Creation, and Covenant Theology: a Reformed Baptist Primer.

A feature of the conference is the congregational singing of Psalms. The Psalms are the songs that God gave to His Church to sing which are also prayers, praises, imprecations, and shouts of victory. These songs have been sorely neglected in our day. Reformation will come along with a return to the singing of Psalms, by which God changes and shapes His people, answers their cries and prayers, and so changes the world.

May God grant that his people would be encouraged and equipped to live God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Gospel-proclaiming lives, and through that to disciple our nation.

Lunch is freely provided and donations are accepted.

This year’s conference is being hosted at Briar Street Baptist Church in Springfield, MO. 1361 E Briar St, Springfield, MO 65804.


Doug Van Dorn

Joshua Jenkins

Ian Gehris

Panel Discussion


9:00AM Welcome and Psalm

9:10AM: The Victory of the Angel of the LORD (Doug Van Dorn)

10:00AM: Psalm

10:10AM: The Victory of Christ in the Psalms (Joshua Jenkins)

11:00AM: Psalm

11:10AM: The Victory of Christ Over Giants and Demons (Doug Van Dorn)

12:00PM: Lunch

1:00PM: The Victory of Christ Over Neo-Paganism (Ian Gehris)

1:45PM: Panel Discussion and Q&A with Doug Van Dorn


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Email admin@hopebaptistspringfield.com

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About The Host, Hope Baptist Church

Hope Baptist Church exists for the glory of God and the joy of the world. 

We are a Christ-centered, family-integrated, confessionally reformed,  postmillennial Baptist church.

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